We support social development within the scope of the material issues we have identified in line with our sustainability efforts, and we implement various projects in this direction.

We care that the projects we realize for social development are in line with our corporate values; we adopt the principles of transparent management and accountability in the implementation processes of these projects. We also support our employees in their participation in social responsibility activities through our volunteering platform RiNG (Roteks Goodwill Volunteers), which plays a key role in bringing projects to life.


Blood Donation To Kızılay (Turkish Red Crescent)

We aim to increase the awareness of our employees about blood donation. We encourage our employees to donate against the risk of decreasing blood stocks, especially during the winter period. In this direction, during the reporting period, 58 of our employees supported the Turkish Red Crescent’s campaign by donating blood. The blood donations reached to 174 people. Our blood donation support will continue in the coming period.

Women’s Employment Project (Kadın Emeği Hayat İlmeği Project)

In 2020,we implemented the "Kadın Emeği Hayat İlmeği" project in cooperation with RiNG and İzmir Metropolitan Municipality. Through this project, we gave sewing training to disadvantaged women between the ages of 18-35, in order to support them with professional skills for employment. Within the scope of the project, as Roteks, we covered the wages of the trainees for the hours of participation during the training and provided the fabric and other sewing materials to be used in the training. The first period of the training was completed in 2020 with the participation of 10 women, including refugees and those staying in temporary women’s shelters, who had no previous working experience. The project had to be suspended due to the pandemic but we re-launched the project in November 2021 with the participation of 10 trainees. These training sessions continue for 6 months, and at the end of each term, we give the trainees the opportunity to be hired in our Key Production Facilities.

Örnekköy Çogem Tablet Donation

Providing equal opportunities in education is of great importance for us. In this direction, in order to develop a project for children to access quality education in the remote education during the pandemic period, with the lead of Tunc Soyer the Mayor of İzmir, we came together with officials of the municipality. As a result of joint discussions, we provided equipment support consisting of tablets and headphones to two classrooms at the Ornekkoy Child and Youth Center (ÇOGEM). In this way, children, who had difficulties in accessing distance education in the region, were able to attend online classes using these tablets.

Roteks Tekstil Memorial Forest

In order to compensate for our carbon footprint resulting from our corporate and individual trips, we created the Roteks Tekstil Family Memorial Forest, in 2020 in the region by donating 5,000 saplings to the Aegean Forest Foundation’s land in Torbalı, with the institutional and individual participation of our employees. We continue to donate saplings for each of our Roteks employees who get married or give birth. Our suppliers who want to give gifts on special occasions also donate saplings on behalf of our company.